Treasury to unveil Sh4.2 trillion budget plan on June 13

By Sharon Wanga | May 28, 2024
Treasury CS Njuguna Ndungu in a photo session with other officials. [Samson Wire, Standard]

The National Treasury has slated June 13, 2024, for the unveiling of the financial statement for the fiscal year 2024/25.

The announcement was made by Treasury Cabinet Secretary Njuguna Ndung’u, in a notice dated May 24.

 “The budget statement for the FY 2024/25 will be delivered by the Cabinet Secretary for the National Treasury and Economic Planning on Thursday, June 13, 2024, in Parliament,” he said.

The upcoming budget, which proposes a Sh4.2 trillion expenditure plan, is based on the 2024 Budget Policy Statement.

The figure represents a significant increase from the previous year’s Sh3.90 trillion.

Parliament is engaged in deliberations over the Finance Bill 2024, which will determine the specifics of the budget allocations.

 The proposed budget is focused on key sectors such as agriculture, healthcare, and digital infrastructure.

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