Businessman reports Didmus Barasa to police over death threats

By Robert Amalemba | Jul 01, 2024
Kimilili MP Didmus Barasa. [Courtesy]

Kimilili MP Didmus Barasa has been accused of intimidating a local businessman, Mike Ochieng.

Ochieng who hails from Kimilili town reported the incident at Bungoma County Police headquarters on Friday.

Barasa, who was recently acquitted in a murder case, allegedly threatened Ochieng following his participation in peaceful demonstrations against the Finance Bill, 2024.

“After the demos, he (Barasa) posted on my Facebook timeline, threatening to kill me. Many people have called me, warning that he is a temperamental and a violent man,” he said.

Ochieng further alleged that on June 27, Barasa personally called him at 2:23pm, instructing him to leave Kimilili. 

When contacted, Barasa distanced himself from the allegations: “I don't know the man, is he even from Kimilili? 

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