PHOTOS: Christian faithful mark Palm Sunday across the country

A member of AIPCA Kajiado East Parish cheers as other faithful hold a procession in Kitengela to mark Palm Sunday. [Peterdon Githaiga, Standard]

Christian faithful have held various ceremonies across the country, to celebrate Palm Sunday.

It is a celebration commemorating Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem.

The day is marked on the last Sunday before Easter weekend.

Catholic faithful celebrate Palm Sunday at St. Jude Catholic church in Donholm, Nairobi on March 24, 2024. [Boniface Okendo, Standard]
Members of AIPCA Kajiado East Parish hold a processsion in Kitengela to mark Palm Sunday. [Peterdon Githaiga, Standard]
National Assembly Majority Leader Kimani Ichung'wah joins the faithful in marking Palm Sunday. [Kimaku Chege, Standard]
Archbishop of Nyeri and Embu Diocese Antony Muheria leads the faithful in marking Palm Sunday in Karurina. [Muriithi Mugo, Standard]
Archbishop of Nyeri and Embu Diocese Antony Muheria leads the faithful in marking Palm Sunday in Karurina. [Muriithi Mugo, Standard]
Bishop Obanyi leads the Palm Sunday procession in Kakamega town. [Benjamin Sakwa, Standard]
Bishop Obanyi leads the Palm Sunday procession in Kakamega town. [Benjamin Sakwa, Standard]
Palm Sunday procession at St. Jude Catholic church in Donholm, Nairobi, on March 24, 2024. [Boniface Okendo, Standard]
Palm Sunday procession at St. Jude Catholic church in Donholm, Nairobi, on March 24, 2024. [Boniface Okendo, Standard]
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