How to use your job to get entrepreneurship skills
Most entrepreneurs start their working life as employees. Unlike what many might assume, having a regular 9am to 5pm job is one of the best ways...
By Pauline Muindi 2 years ago
How to use your job to get entrepreneurship skills
How solid is your business strategy?
In many cases, business failure is attributed to a poor or badly-executed strategy.
By Pauline Muindi 2 years ago
How solid is your business strategy?
How to fight founder loneliness
Movies, TV shows and entrepreneurship Instagram accounts do not give a true picture – they are mostly geared towards promoting a lifestyle.
By Pauline Muindi 2 years ago
How to fight founder loneliness
When to draw the line with clients
If you let your clients treat you like an employee, you can easily find yourself doing full-time work for part-time pay…and all that with no benefits
By Pauline Muindi 2 years ago
When to draw the line with clients
How to manage workers in a small business
Employees, not customers, are the backbone of any successful business.
By Pauline Muindi 2 years ago
How to manage workers in a small business
Turning a hobby into a business
Keep in mind that if this is a hobby, you don’t have to transform it into a full-time job right away.
By Pauline Muindi 2 years ago
Turning a hobby into a business
How to be a thought leader in your industry
Many entrepreneurs and executives strive to be viewed as “thought leaders” in their field and to reap the benefits that come with the status.
By Pauline Muindi 2 years ago
How to be a thought leader in your industry
Hiring 101: When to take on extra workers
Do you need a freelancer, a short-term contractor or a full-time employee?
By Pauline Muindi 2 years ago
Hiring 101: When to take on extra workers
How to drive innovation in your business
Innovation can drive even the smallest business to great success.
By Pauline Muindi 2 years ago
How to drive innovation in your business
How to expand your business using other people’s money
Finding capital to expand your growing business is a major challenge for many entrepreneurs. Many business owners fund expansion using their own money
By Pauline Muindi 2 years ago
How to expand your business using other people’s money
Proven tips that boost customer lifetime value
Constant improvement is a terrific method to keep your clients devoted to your business.
By Pauline Muindi 2 years ago
Proven tips that boost customer lifetime value
How to develop a great business idea
You have to consider how much money you have, the needs of your target customers, your skill set, availability of investors, and many other factors.
By Pauline Muindi 2 years ago
How to develop a great business idea
Four pointers before you quit your job
Dropping a stable, reliable income to start your own business is a risky move that doesn’t always lead to success.
By Pauline Muindi 2 years ago
Four pointers before you quit your job
How to profit from this festive season
December marks one of the busiest months for small businesses as shoppers rush to make their holiday purchases.
By Pauline Muindi 2 years ago
How to profit from this festive season
How to survive your first year in business
Did you know that 20 per cent of small businesses don’t survive their first year?
By Pauline Muindi 2 years ago
How to survive your first year in business
Promises you shouldn’t make to customers
Part of business is making promises to your customers. But while it is easy to make promises, keeping them is what sets a good company apart..
By Pauline Muindi 2 years ago
Promises you shouldn’t make to customers
Networking tips for entrepreneurs
Through creating strong networks, entrepreneurs meet valuable mentors, investors, clients, distributors and experts in their industry.
By Pauline Muindi 2 years ago
Networking tips for entrepreneurs
Etiquette tips for entrepreneurs
Mastering the nuances of etiquette is what separates good entrepreneurs from truly great ones.
By Pauline Muindi 2 years ago
Etiquette tips for entrepreneurs
How to choose the perfect business partner
You have to make sure that your business partner is the right fit for you and your business. Here are a few ways to do so:
By Pauline Muindi 2 years ago
How to choose the perfect business partner
Want to be a freelancer? Here’s how
To set yourself on the path for success, you have to start your freelancing business on the right footing. Here are some tips:
By Pauline Muindi 2 years ago
Want to be a freelancer? Here’s how
Job search tips after your business fails
When the business you started has failed, your only option might be re-entering the workforce as an employee. But that is easier said than done.
By Pauline Muindi 2 years ago
Job search tips after your business fails
Three reasons why your business is unprofitable
Before you give up on your business, let’s take a look at three main reasons it might not be making money and how you can turn things around.
By Pauline Muindi 2 years ago
Three reasons why your business is unprofitable
Five golden rules to retain customers
Let’s explore five golden rules of customer care that every business owner must be aware of.
By Pauline Muindi 2 years ago
Five golden rules to retain customers
Four money decisions every entrepreneur must make
Being an entrepreneur, you will have to make tough decisions almost every day.
By Pauline Muindi 2 years ago
Four money decisions every entrepreneur must make
How you can turn free into profit
The freemium model allows users to utilise basic features of the software for free, then charges for upgrades.
By Pauline Muindi 2 years ago
How you can turn free into profit
Four creative ways to attract customers
Customer acquisition is a key business metric that comprises the product cost and costs involved in marketing, research, and accessibility.
By Pauline Muindi 3 years ago
Four creative ways to attract customers
Why your e-commerce business is failing
Did you know that 90 per cent of e-commerce businesses fail within the first 120 days?
By Pauline Muindi 3 years ago
Why your e-commerce business is failing
5 ways to survive a cashflow crisis
Often overlooked, cash flow is a crucial element in ensuring the smooth and successful running of any business.
By Pauline Muindi 3 years ago
5 ways to survive a cashflow crisis
Business lessons from Amazon founder Jeff Bezos
Here are four powerful business insights every entrepreneur can learn from the man that founded Amazon, Jeff Bezos.
By Pauline Muindi 3 years ago
Business lessons from Amazon founder Jeff Bezos
Ways to lower your operating costs
While every entrepreneur dreams about growing their enterprise, limited resources – both in terms of money and time – often impede speedy growth.
By Pauline Muindi 3 years ago
Ways to lower your operating costs
How to identify and manage business risks
Venturing into business is risky. It takes time, money and determination. Even if the market is stable, you’ve done your research fully and...
By Pauline Muindi 3 years ago
How to identify and manage business risks
Five ways to boost internal communication in your business
While external communication shapes your business reputation, internal dynamics are just as important to the survival of your small business.
By Pauline Muindi 3 years ago
Five ways to boost internal communication in your business
Crucial elements of a winning elevator pitch
An entrepreneur elevator pitch is a short speech, usually less than a minute, detailing a business idea, an existing business, or product.
By Pauline Muindi 3 years ago
Crucial elements of a winning elevator pitch
The art of managing toxic employees
Here are some useful tips on managing toxic employees
By Pauline Muindi 3 years ago
The art of managing toxic employees
Mistakes entrepreneurs make at the negotiation table
In your entrepreneurial journey, you will not win every negotiation that you engage in.
By Pauline Muindi 3 years ago
Mistakes entrepreneurs make at the negotiation table
Get a loan that won’t weigh down your business
Taking out a loan is one of the best ways to solve your cash flow issues and ensure the survival of your small business.
By Pauline Muindi 3 years ago
Get a loan that won’t weigh down your business
Like moth to a flame, attract investors
Investors are very beneficial to start-ups. Unlike lenders, they won’t be hounding you every month for repayments.
By Pauline Muindi 3 years ago
Like moth to a flame, attract investors
Four common business misconceptions
Entrepreneurship is still riddled with myths and half-truths that can be misleading to rookie business owners.
By Pauline Muindi 3 years ago
Four common business misconceptions
Tips to double your Business Leads and Conversions
Leads are people who are interested in your products or services, which means they are likely to become customers and ambassadors to your brand.
By Pauline Muindi 3 years ago
Tips to double your Business Leads and Conversions
The right way to raise capital from friends and family
Many entrepreneurs turn to family and friends for that early boost that will get the wheels on their promising ventures rolling.
By Pauline Muindi 3 years ago
The right way to raise capital from friends and family
This is how Raila will make Ruto president again in 2027
Michael Ndonye
By Michael Ndonye
3 hrs ago
Ruto plans to keep Cabinet, PSs on toes
By Brian Otieno
3 hrs ago