Eyes on East Africa over Uganda's heated oil pipeline
The EACOP project, which is expected to extract oil from the more than 400 wells in Uganda, recently applied to the Ugandan government for a licence to start construction.
By Caleb Kingwara 2 years ago
Eyes on East Africa over Uganda's heated oil pipeline
Police search for Migori County employee who went missing
Police in Migori County are searching for a county employee who has been missing since Sunday.
By Caleb Kingwara 2 years ago
Police search for Migori County employee who went missing
Migori police searching for missing county employee
The family of Patrick Lumumba, a water technician, said the last thing their kin said to then was that he was taking a county government motorbike to the garage but never returned home.
By Caleb Kingwara 2 years ago
Migori police searching for missing county employee
Migori Referral Hospital in sorry state as workers down tools over salaries
Casual workers at the Migori Referral Hospital yesterday downed their tools demanding nine months' of unpaid wages.
By Caleb Kingwara 2 years ago
Migori Referral Hospital in sorry state as workers down tools over salaries
Church celebrates Kuria Bible launch
The Bible Society of Kenya and Tanzania on Friday launched a Bible written in Kuria language after 39 years of scripting.
By Caleb Kingwara 2 years ago
Church celebrates Kuria Bible launch
Revealed: The dietary poison in your baby's porridge
Health & Science
By Gloria Milimu
3 hrs ago
County bets on value addition to drive up agribusiness
By Nanjinia Wamuswa
4 hrs ago