Reprieve for Kamulu Housing Cooperative Society in 800-acre land row
Lillian Mutavi
| Feb 23, 2025
A Co-operative society has got a reprieve after a Machakos High Court ordered that over 800 acres of land that was grabbed be returned.
The over 4000 members of Kamulu Housing Co-operative Society Limited will occupy the piece of land situated in plot number L.R No 8485 which was allegedly grabbed by Madubat Trading Company.
The order came from Environment and Lands court in Machakos.
“Madubat Trading Company together with its agents, associates and employees be restrained from trespassing, interfering and claiming of dealing in any way with plot number L.R No 8485 and specifically dealing with the portion owned by the plaintiff who is Kamulu Housing Co-operative Society,” read the order.
The case was before Justice A Nyukuri who has given orders that the alleged grabbers vacate the said parcel in 90 days.
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Speaking to the press, advocate Orina Oliech who represented the cooperative society said that the grabbers wanted to get the land that didn't belong to them.
Even though the alleged grabbers never appeared in court, the case was ruled against their favor and should vacate within 90 days.
He added that if at all there is anybody who bought from the grabbers and developed, he or she should start vacating.
James Makau Katumo a member said this was a big win for the society as the land was taken in 2018 and confirmed that the parcel was taken was 800 acres.
“We have been denied access of our land since 2018 as it was invaded by grabbers who claimed that the land was theirs but it was a win for us as court ruled out that the grabbers should leave as the land belong to Kamulu Housing Co-operative Society,” he said.
He added that the said grabbers have been given 90 days to vacate or else the society has the leeway to evict them using the police.
Katumo said that the issue has taken members back and the society ran into huge losses during the case.
Lucy Mayieka a member and a resident said it was a win for them securing back their land as those who suffer most when things aren't right are mothers and children.
Kelvin Mutisya a resident could not hide his joy after the news of the win as it has been over 6 years that they have been in court following the long period.
Patrick Mutuku Mbuvi was also elated after getting the news that their land has been returned back and they were back to develop it.
John Ayub Odour the Chairman MyLand residents’ association said there are conmen going round scamming members saying they will give title deeds
He has warned them any transactions should be done by Kamulu Housing Cooperative Society Limited.
The society has a member of 4321.