Standard Journalist Ali Manzu to chair taskforce reviewing Mombasa's creative economy

Standard Group journalist Ali Manzu. [File, Standard]

Standard Group journalist Ali Manzu has been picked to Chair a nine-member taskforce, mandated to advise on the development of creative economy in Mombasa.

The announcement was made by Governor Abdulswammad Nassir on Monday, December 23.

Mombasa County Governor Abdulswamad Nassir having a chat with Mombasa’s music producer Awadh Salim aka Producer Shirko at the Swahilipot Hub

In the communique, the County boss directed that the committee will serve for six months, effective December 20 2024, and shall report to the county’s CEC for Youth, Sports, Gender and Cultural Activities.

Other notable members of the committee are Caroline Ngorobi (Vice Chairperson), Esther Ingolo (Secretary). Members of the taskforce are: Awadh Salim, Hellen Mwanzia, Kessi Juma, Michel Jerry, Daudi Anguka and Margaret Matunda.

The taskforce will: evaluate challenges facing the creative economy industry in the County and develop a comprehensive plan to transform the creative sector, identify actionable roles and contributions for stakeholders, review the sustainability and viability of existing programs, develop a collaborative strategy for engagement with other stakeholders, review the County's marketing strategies, explore and expand monetization opportunities within the creative economy, develop an actionable implementation plan and perform any other tasks necessary to fulfill its mandate.

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