MP: CORD only cares about votes

Navakholo MP Emmanuel Wangwe has accused the leadership of Cord of lacking the will to improve the economic welfare of the people of Western region.

The MP questioned Opposition leader Raila Odinga's silence on the fracas witnessed at the Milimani Law Courts when Senator Boni Khalwale was roughed up by youths.

Speaking in his constituency at the weekend, Mr Wangwe said the silence by Cord principals is a clear indication the coalition has no interest in the region's economic welfare.

"They have run to court to gag our senator against asking for what is rightfully ours. The welfare of sugar-cane farmers is a major concern for people of this county.

"They have allowed our leaders to be attacked because as a coalition they do not care about our economic fortunes but our votes," he said.

The UDF MP wondered why Raila is not showing the same gusto with those behind the collapse of Mumias Sugar Company as he calls for investigations over alleged fraud at the National Youth Service.

"In the last general election, sugar-cane farmers overwhelmingly voted for Raila Odinga but he has continued to remain silent despite troubles in the sector, yet he is so vocal about the NYS scandal. When will he (Raila) helps us if not now?"

Be wise

On the other hand, Jubilee has given us Sh1 billion to pay our farmers and the MD has said that after farmers verification, payments will commence. An additional Sh2 billion has been given to pay the firm's debts. We should choose our friends wisely," Wangwe said.

He lauded the move to bring back former Chief Executive Officer Eroll Johnston to the struggling sugar firm.

"His appointment is timely and needed. Under his stewardship, the miller registered success. The firm had a successful cane management system and farmers were paid their dues on time," he said.

Johnston served in the same capacity between 1998 and 2001 and is expected to resume duty on August 1.