CORD is more united than ever, Raila declares

CORD leader Raila Odinga (centre), Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Opranya (right) and Kongoni Ward Rep Robert Makhanu during the burial of Bishop Godfrey Masinde at Matunda in Kakamega County. [Photo: Chrispen Sechere/Standard]

CORD leaders Raila Odinga and Moses Wetangula attended a function together and assured Opposition supporters that the coalition was more united than ever.

In a show of unity, the two leaders allayed fears the coalition would split before the General Election.

Raila and Wetang’ula spoke during the funeral service of former Sigor MP Wilson Litole in West Pokot yesterday accompanied by several CORD leaders.

Wetangula said Jubilee leaders should not pile pressure on CORD to name its presidential candidate, saying it was none of their business.

“When Raila declared ‘Kibaki tosha’ prior to 2002 elections, they won, Now, why should they bother us in what it is none of their business?” posed Wetang’ula.

Wetangula said the Pokot and Bungoma communities worked together and were both members of the Dini ya Elija Musambwa under which the Dini ya Mafuta Pole sprouted.

“You should shun this so-called young leaders who subscribe to the hyena syndrome only waiting for discord that does not exist in our coalition,” said Wetangula.

Speaking earlier in Likuyani at the burial of Bishop Godfrey Masinde of Soul Restoration Ministries, Raila assured his supporters that he was in good terms with his co-principals Kalonzo Musyoka and Wetang’ula.

In the recent days, there has been talk that all is not well in the coalition and there are fears the top guns may go separate ways before the next General Election.

At the same time, the former Prime Minister outlined several projects in the semi arid county which were initiated by the Grand Coalition government. he claimed Jubilee was laying claim to projects to get support. Raila dismissed Elgeyo Marakwet senator Kipchumba Murkomen who cited road infrastructure projects implemented by the Jubilee government.

Raila added that the Jubilee had no option but to implement the projects including Muruny water project, Nasukuta abattoir and rehabilitation of Lelan–Kapenguria Road among others. Raila castigated Jubilee for failing to initiate its own development projects for the benefit of Kenyans. He stressed that the Coalition team is firm and intact.

“We fought for devolution so that resources can be shared equally among all Kenyans and once we ascend to power, we will allocate 45 per cent of the national revenue to county governments to make the dream of the 2010 constitutional dispensation true,” he said amid applause from the mammoth crowd.

He called on communities in the expansive pastoral region to back the CORD  ahead of the 2017 polls given that the ruling government had failed to fulfill its election pledges.

Kakamega governor Wycliffe Oparanya faulted those opposing the coalition. He said he had achieved much in terms of public amenities such as schools.