Theft of health money is crime against humanity

Although Kenyans are accustomed to perennial corruption within Government establishments, few could have imagined that approximately Sh5.8 billion meant for the most vulnerable in society could have been stolen in such a nerve-racking manner.

After robbing the youth through NYS, corruption cartels have literally invaded hospital wards robbing the dying and denying the critically ill their only hope of staying alive.

Even the most callous Africans are known to ensure that patients are kept comfortable and in the event that they die, they must die knowing that every effort was made to save their lives and that's why families and civilized governments world over, invest heavily in health systems and medical care. But in Kenya, patients have been trodden upon after stealing from them.

A section of Kenyans who are supposed to know this better, have become so heartless that they see no wickedness in robbing sick Kenyans and sending them to early graves. They do this by stealing money meant to alleviate the suffering of the sick. This type of greed is mind-boggling.

Theft of funds meant for the sick has revealed that there are Kenyans outside there that have no regard for dying patients and rejoice at the death of defenseless members of our society. How would one explain why sane Kenyans would think of stealing health funds from the Government?

To this group, it is evident that patients are a nuisance who need to be eliminated from their midst. Kenyans should not