I won’t let her down, deputy governor says

Bomet Deputy Governor Hillary Barchok, awaiting to be sworn in as the county’s third chief, has promised to take the county to greater heights in honour of his fallen boss Joyce Laboso.

Mr Barchok said besides appointing a woman as his deputy and ensuring Laboso’s manifesto is implemented, he will ensure the county government remains intact until 2022.

“We will honour her by completing all projects she started. This government will remain Dr Laboso’s government until the term is over,” he said.

He spoke during the burial of Laboso at Fort Ternan in Kisumu.

Other women governors, Charity Ngilu (Kitui) and Anne Waiguru (Kirinyaga) had asked him to appoint a woman as his deputy in honour of Laboso.

Barchok said he never lobbied to be appointed as her deputy but was picked by the governor while on a trip to London.

“I was a little known man but she reached out to me. I will not let her down,” he said.