Kiambu MCAs hold demo, demand audience with Wamatangi

Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi. [David Njaaga, Standard]

The stand-off between Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi and MCAs escalated Tuesday after they staged a demonstration at the county headquarters.

They said the protests which started on Tuesday will continue until they get an audience with Wamatangi.

The MCAs marched to the county headquarters while singing gospel songs and castigating the governor. They said that they want the governor to tell them whether he was for peace or confrontation.

Kiambu assembly Deputy Chief Whip Munga Mbuiyu (Ndeiya MCA) claimed that since they took the oath of office nothing has been forthcoming in terms of development.

"We are the representatives of the people, but Wamatangi has brought an amorphous group called Wamatangi foundation to do our job, the governor must delink his foundation from the MCAs mandate," said Mr Munga.

Munga said the people have put the MCAs on the spot over lack of service delivery. "... and we have been forced to play hide and seek games with the electorate as they have no answers to their questions," he said.

Limuru East MCA Macharia Wambui said that the heat from the people over poor service delivery has pushed them to demonstrate.

"We are between a rock and a hard place, at home the public is castigating us because there is nothing that is going on including the simplest of activities like fixing tower lamps. We are now tired and we want the governor to tell us if he will work with us or not," Mr Macharia said

He told Wamatangi that there is a difference between his foundation and MCAs in service delivery.

He said the involvement of the Wamatangi foundation in county matters undermines MCAs role as the people's representative at the wards.

They termed the foundation as an illegal entity in Kiambu county affairs. "If Wamatangi does not stop this groups we as the assembly will gang up and flush them out of the county," Macharia said.

Kiambu Senator Karungo Thangwa said that MCAs have a collective responsibility to seek audience with the county chief citing Meru county where MCAs resorted to impeach the governor after failing to strike a working relationship.

"I am wondering why the governor cannot get some minutes to speak to MCAs who are elected people and who are close to Wanjiku. The voter is wondering why the roads are not being fixed and why there is no bursary," said Mr Thangwa.

He said it was unfortunate for the governor to give the MCAs a cold shoulder. "...and when the MCAs go to look for answers they are ignored. I am urging Wamatangi to listen to the MCAs to tame the heat."

The Senator threatened to support the MCAs push if Wamatangi does not listen to them. "I will rally MPs and members of public, which is not a good path to follow. Let the governor note that he can not work alone in this big county," he said

Efforts to reach the governor for a comment were futile as he did not pick phone calls or reply messages.

The MCAs accused the governor of not delegating duty to his juniors including the CECs.

"... and approving a small budget like that of tower light bulb or switch will have the MCA walk all the way to the county headquarters," said Macharia.

"Our biggest concern today is the issuance of bursary. During Nyoro's tenure the bursary kitty was Sh100 million, which should be divided through a committee that is appointed by education CEC in consultation with the area MCA," he said.

"The governor has brought in Wamatangi foundation to do this job in conjunction with some pastors, we cannot allow this," he added.

The MCAs said that they want the governor to deliver promises to construct roads, hospitals and piped water to Kiambu residents.