MP wants international community to call out Azimio over protests

Mbeere North MP Geoffrey Ruku. [Elvis Ogina, Standard

Mbeere North MP Geoffrey Ruku wants the government and international community to declare opposition leaders calling for protests, economic terrorists and saboteurs.

Speaking during education day at Ciangera Primary School, Ishiara zone, in the constituency, Ruku said Kenya Kwanza MPs will not shy away from defending the government.

"After the attempted coup, Raila Odinga threatened and intimidated former Presidents Moi, Kibaki and Kenyatta who accommodated him in their respective governments before destabilising them and these are the same tactics he is applying today," he said.

He accused the Azimio leaders of sabotaging the economy through violent protests and the destruction of property.

"My Bill on the regulation of protests that is before the National Assembly is seeking to put into effect two conditions in article 37 of the 2010 Constitution that require: demonstrations, picketing, and presentation of petitions to public authorities and assemblies be exercised in a peaceful and unarmed manner," Ruku noted.

The MP is optimistic that the National Assembly Speaker and the relevant committee will expedite the Bill which has received support from members.

He said the Bill will also repeal the Public Order Act section five and six on public gatherings.

Ruku noted that the Bill proposes that organisers of demonstrations be held accountable and forced to pay for destruction of property.

The MP said the opposition leaders were defeated in free and fair August 2022 General Election and their election petition was dismissed by the Supreme Court.

"We defeated them squarely in an election overseen by an IEBC they had declared confidence in and even promised to honour the results, they have shifted their positions since loosing the election. They should stop putting the country into unnecessary political tensions," he said.

He accused the Azimio leaders of failing to respect the Constitution. "They want to engage in a post-election agreement that we as the members of Kenya Kwanza are opposed to. People who loose elections must be ready to do other activities as they await the next election to try their luck from the voters who are the determinants," he added.

Ruku said Azimio's three days demonstrations last week flopped after many people stayed away. "We have witnessed the resilience of the people of Kenya who have said in a big voice that they are not interested in violent demonstrations but wish to go about their businesses to grow the economy and bring the cost of living down," he said.

Manyatta MP John Mukunju faulted former President Uhuru for allegedly scheming to sabotage the Kenya kwanza Government.

Speaking during sports day at Kamuthatha Boarding Primary School in the constituency, Mukunji accused the former President of allegedly working with the opposition to destabilise the government through state capture

He promised to present a motion in the National Assembly to discuss state capture over claims that it was orchestrated by the former President and a section of opposition leaders through their companies.

Mukunji faulted Uhuru for failing to come clean on who was financing the opposition demonstrations.

"He evaded the question saying that Raila Odinga is his friend and he has the right to talk to him. I advise him that a retired president should retire from politics bearing in mind that he is earning pension and that he should advise the government," he said.

The MP threatened to present a motion in Parliament to relieve the former president of peace envoy role claiming that he cannot be building bridges in the neighbouring countries while financing protests back at home.