
Fear factor: Azimio, Kenya Kwanza in ICC threats as Mt Kenya wary of 'handshake' effects

This has been buoyed by the efforts of a group claiming to be victims of the anti-government protests that have written to ICC prosecutor Karim Khan to investigate the former head of State and Raila.

Raila's allies, on the other hand, are also at an advanced stage in drafting a petition to present to several regional and international bodies to bring Ruto's government to book over cases of human rights violations and alleged ethnic profiling by the police.

Sources in Azimio including Homa Bay Town MP Peter Kaluma, who is part of the legal team, confirmed to Sunday Standard that they have identified the ICC, the East African Court of Justice, United Nations Special Committee on Extra-judicial Killings as well as the Africa Union as institutions they will approach to find justice for their supporters.

According to Kaluma, the paperwork and collection of evidence are at an advanced stage. He described their evidence as solid and impeccable.

Azimio claims they have documented videos, pictures, recorded witness statements as well as the profiles of several victims of police brutality, and are finalising their document.

President William Ruto shakes hands with Azimio's Raila Odinga in a past event. [File, Standard]

"Astounding to our client is the callous manner in which Hon. Odinga and Hon. Kenyatta continue to sponsor a wave of terror and deadly violence codenamed "Maandamano" against innocent citizens and law enforcement agencies," Kamotho said.

He added that these actions are calculated to cause panic and bloodshed to exploit the resulting chaos for political gain.

According to the group, the calls for mass action have led to widespread violence, ethnic clashes, and heinous crimes that shook the conscience of humanity.

As part of their plea to the ICC, the victims pledge to provide extensive evidence of a conspiracy between Uhuru and Raila to destabilise the democratically elected government of Kenya.

The letter concludes with an appeal to the ICC Prosecutor to swiftly investigate and prosecute all individuals implicated in crimes within the court's jurisdiction, irrespective of their status.

Yesterday, however, Azimio's lawyers described the letter as a distraction aimed at avoiding the real issues and crimes against humanity committed by the police.

Rarieda MP Otiende Amollo, who is leading a team of about 300 lawyers in a bid to find justice for victims of police brutality, said they are unterred in their quest for justice for victims targeted by the government.

"ICC does not deal with the exercise of constitutional rights, including rights to protest, picket, or petition. ICC deals with crimes and it is clear the crimes committed in Kenya have been committed by President Ruto's regime," he said.

According to Amollo, the police targeted innocent and unarmed civilians who were exercising their constitutional right to picket.

Kaluma also echoed his comments and said that the evidence they had collected indicated that the police had committed genocide.

"The government has replaced the specialised police units with a killer squad that targeted innocent protestors. Most of the victims were shot in the head," said Kaluma.

According to Mark Bichachi, a political commentator, it is still unclear whether the crimes that were committed amounted to crimes against humanity.

"The case against Raila and Uhuru will fall flat on its face because there is uncertainty whether they actually planned chaos. It will require a probe," said Bichachi.