Maa leadership forms a united front to tackle issues affecting the people

Kajiado governor Joseph Ole Lenku (left), his Narok counterpart Patrick Ole Ntutu (centre) and Samburu's Lati Lelelit address a press conference at Beisa Hotel and Conference Centre in Nanyuki, Laikipia County on September 27, 2023. [Michael Saitoti, Standard]

Political leaders from Maa speaking counties have formed a united front to address matters of common interest affecting their people.

The resolution was reached during a quarterly meeting for the Maa leadership at Sawela Lodge in Naivasha before signing of cooperation agreement to form a 'Maa Economic bloc'.

Led by Governors Joseph Lenku (Kajiado), Patrick Ntutu (Narok), and Jonathan Leleliit (Samburu), they said the forum will provide a platform to advance community culture to benefit the entire Maa nation and promote its language.

The resolutions signed by all MPs and ward representatives from Kajiado, Narok and Samburu annulled the Narok Kajiado Economic Bloc (Nakaeb) and named it the Maa Economic Bloc (MEB) to include Samburu County as a member because of their historical, political and economic similarities.

Samburu ceases to be a member of the North Rift Economic Bloc (NOREB) comprising seven (7) counties namely Uasin Gishu, Trans-Nzoia, Nandi, Elgeyo Marakwet, West Pokot, Baringo and Turkana.

Lenku said Kajiado, Narok and Samburu would adopt small Maa ethnic groups in the interest of the community's unity.