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Caroline Chebet


Caroline Chebet

Caroline Chebet writes for the Standard Health
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Community undertakes conservation awareness, outreach, beach cleanup, and monitoring of bird species within the delicate River Sabaki estuary ecosystem
By Caroline Chebet 2024-09-19 12:26:22
Cameras and Global Positioning Satellites (GPS) technologies enabling him and the technical teams to communicate the status of the wildlife and their habitats
By Caroline Chebet 2024-10-01 12:32:14
Cameras and Global Positioning Satellites (GPS) technologies enabling him and the technical teams to communicate the status of the wildlife and their habitats
By Caroline Chebet 2024-10-01 12:32:14
The trade in African grey parrots is lucrative, fueled by a desire for exotic pets and a belief in their ability to provide companionship.
By Caroline Chebet 2024-10-28 12:26:02
Plans to have a vaccine that limits methane emissions by angulates have been under way, through a pioneering collaboration between the Pirbright Institute and the Royal Veterinary College.
By Caroline Chebet 2024-12-19 15:00:00
Kenya will still be able to export its coffee to European Union (EU) countries in 2025 without the looming impact of the anti-deforestation regulations.
By Caroline Chebet 2025-01-05 20:55:00
Kenya is set to begin the new year with drier than usual conditions, characterised by hotter days and chilly nights.
By Caroline Chebet 2025-01-05 20:55:00
In a report to be released later in the month, detailing the global temperature figures for the past year, last year's temperatures surpassed 2023 and 2016, which previously held records.
By Caroline Chebet 2025-01-08 00:00:00
The Kenya Wildlife Service and tourism stakeholders are once again planning to review the national park entry fees for the 2025-2026 financial year.
By Caroline Chebet 2025-01-16 08:15:00