Residents lynch three suspects over boda boda rider's murder

Residents lynched three men suspected to have killed a boda boda rider and defiled his wife.

The gang raided the house of the boda boda rider in Got Rateng B Village, Lambwe East location in Mbita sub-county on Tuesday at 4 am.

The suspects hacked the boda boda rider with a machete and he died a few hours later while receiving treatment at Homa Bay County Referral Hospital.

The gang raped his wife who had a one-week-old baby before stealing a motorbike.

The heinous act infuriated residents who launched a manhunt for the suspects and lynched them.

The residents armed with crude weapons descended on Frank Dimba near Kipasi trading center before moving to Rodi Kopany township in Homa Bay Sub-Sub-county where they hacked to death another suspect.

The mob later caught up with another suspect identified as Omondi Musa in Homa Bay town and lynched him.

Mbita sub-county Police Commander Solomon Barngetuny said they have launched investigations into the matter.

“I urge residents to avoid taking the law into their hands. We are investigating the matter to ensure justice prevails,” Barngetuny said.

Bodaboda riders in Homa Bay Sub-county led by their chairman Opiyo Soso, Secretary Collins Okoth, and head of security David Juma decried attacks targeting boda boda riders.

Soso noted that ten motorbikes had been stolen, one rider killed and two others injured in the last two weeks in the area.

The bodies were moved to Homa Bay County Referral Hospital Mortuary.