The State should assure all learners of safety in school
There have been mixed reactions regarding whether it was prudent to reopen schools, after an earlier indefinite suspension that will likely disrupt the academic calendar.
By Editorial 4 months ago
The State should assure all learners of safety in school
Leaving flood victims to their own devices wrong
The lack of adequate toilets points to the possibility of an outbreak of diseases like cholera. Were that to happen, is the government prepared to deal with the consequences?
By Editorial 4 months ago
Leaving flood victims to their own devices wrong
Confusion in Kenya Kwanza ranks worrying
After Education CS Machogu announced schools would reopen for the second term on Monday, President William Ruto barged in and suspended the reopening date until further notice.
By Editorial 4 months ago
Confusion in Kenya Kwanza ranks worrying
Prioritise funding for mitigation against disasters
For weeks now, Kenya has experienced floods that have so far claimed 210 lives, displaced thousands from their homes, and destroyed infrastructure, including roads, bridges and railways.
By Editorial 4 months ago
Prioritise funding for mitigation against disasters
Media freedom is a right, not State-given privilege
World Press Freedom Day is being celebrated today. On this day, the media fraternity reminds the government of the need to respect media freedom.
By Editorial 4 months ago
Media freedom is a right, not State-given privilege
Give workers something to smile about today
Today marks yet another Labour Day, a day when workers are supposed to celebrate the progress and achievements in the previous year.
By Editorial 4 months ago
Give workers something to smile about today
Release capitation to schools before May 6
As Machogu was postponing the reopening of institutions, some students from far-flung areas were already on their way to school.
By Editorial 4 months ago
Release capitation to schools before May 6
Committees are not the answer to ending graft
Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi says the government will set up anti-corruption committees to be chaired by Principal Secretaries.
By Editorial 4 months ago
Committees are not the answer to ending graft
Probe KDF chopper crash quickly and make report public
Top military officers and Defence ministry officials have previously in confidence raised concerns over strain on military resources due to the frequent use of government aircraft.
By Editorial 4 months ago
Probe KDF chopper crash quickly and make report public
Do everything to avert a Fifa ban for Kenya's game
FKF officials, Ministry of Sports and all stakeholders must put their own interests aside and support the growth of football in Kenya.
By Editorial 5 months ago
Do everything to avert a Fifa ban for Kenya's game
Act decisively to curb increasing accidents
NTSA data shows that in the last three months alone, accidents have killed 1,213 people. This represents a 5.8 per cent increase from a similar period last year.
By Editorial 5 months ago
Act decisively to curb increasing accidents
Quickly probe attacks against Omtatah and protect him, his family
Although he is a hero in the eyes of the public, Omtatah has earned himself enemies; people who feel threatened by his valiant efforts to stem the tide of corruption within and without government.
By Editorial 5 months ago
Quickly probe attacks against Omtatah and protect him, his family
Pick the best for upcoming Paris Olympic Games
The road to this year's Olympic Games is gathering momentum as Kenya picks her best for the July-August show in Paris, France.
By Editorial 5 months ago
Pick the best for upcoming Paris Olympic Games
Quickly resume talks with striking health workers
The bone of contention for both cadres of medics are Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) signed in 2017, but which the government has been reluctant to implement.
By Editorial 5 months ago
Quickly resume talks with striking health workers
Fertiliser: Punish officials who slept on the job
Farmers from different parts of the country who have bought the fake DAP fertiliser said to include stones and animal manure - have been complaining about this daylight deception
By Editorial 5 months ago
Fertiliser: Punish officials who slept on the job
End doctors strike for UHC dream to remain on course
KMPDU says they were about to reach an agreement but the progress was scuttled after the Council of Governors opposed the draft deal.
By Editorial 5 months ago
End doctors strike for UHC dream to remain on course
Shakahola: State should foot victims' funeral bills
Unfortunately, for reasons best known to it, the government last week hinted that it will not foot the funeral bills of the Shakahola massacre victims.
By Editorial 5 months ago
Shakahola: State should foot victims' funeral bills
Honour Angella Okutoyi with adequate sports facilities
Kenyan tennis sensation Angella Okutoyi's triumph at the 13th African Games in Ghana two days ago, was the hallmark of an arduous journey to stardom.
By Editorial 5 months ago
Honour Angella Okutoyi with adequate sports facilities
Act now to provide every Kenyan with clean water
Today is World Water Day. It's yet another golden opportunity to reflect on the role of water in sustaining life and fostering development.
By Editorial 5 months ago
Act now to provide every Kenyan with clean water
Seek sponsors for Kenya teams to global events
It is not the first time athletics managers have bungled preparations for international events or even shortchanged athletes.
By Editorial 6 months ago
Seek sponsors for Kenya teams to global events
Bishop Wanjiru attackers must be brought to book
Rowdy youths went to the Jesus Is Alive Ministries (JIAM) church in Nairobi on Wednesday last week and demolished a perimeter wall and part of the building.
By Editorial 6 months ago
Bishop Wanjiru attackers must be brought to book
Killing the media will undermine our democracy
After denying independent print media government advertising, government has now gone full throttle and extended the same to television and radio stations.
By Editorial 6 months ago
Killing the media will undermine our democracy
Kenyan women and girls need more than promises
Despite the gains made in recognising the important role that women continue to play in society, we are still lagging behind, or retrogressing in many other respects.
By Editorial 6 months ago
Kenyan women and girls need more than promises
Fluid situation in Haiti calls for change of tack
A state of emergency has been declared in Haiti following an escalation in gang violence in the capital, Port-au-Prince.
By Editorial 6 months ago
Fluid situation in Haiti calls for change of tack
Public views should matter in the law-making process
That the state has had to rethink the law allowing KRA to tax farm produce is an indictment on the charade that is public participation in government decision-making.
By Editorial 6 months ago
Public views should matter in the law-making process
Ruto's support for Raila AU bid should not deflect opposition's vigilance
The unexpected aura of camaraderie between Raila and Ruto, hitherto fierce political opponents, caught both friend and foe flat-footed.
By Editorial 6 months ago
Ruto's support for Raila AU bid should not deflect opposition's vigilance
Spare hard-pressed road users further tax pain
In yet another bid to extract more money from Kenyans, the government last week increased the Petroleum Regulatory Levy from Sh0.25 per litre to Sh0.75.
By Editorial 6 months ago
Spare hard-pressed road users further tax pain
Government should take its austerity measures seriously
Cabinet secretaries and Kenya Kwanza lawmakers have been booked into luxurious hotels and are busy spending the barely available resources that the country has.
By Editorial 6 months ago
Government should take its austerity measures seriously
We cannot run away from the reality of police brutality, Mr Mudavadi
The right thing for Mudavadi to have done in Ethiopia was admit the shortcomings and outline measures the government has taken to minimise cases of police brutality.
By Editorial 6 months ago
We cannot run away from the reality of police brutality, Mr Mudavadi
Raila has what it takes to drive Africa forward
AUC may need someone in the ilk of Raila with his strong will, commitment and networking skills to take the continent forward especially in its quest to realise Agenda 2063
By Editorial 7 months ago
Raila has what it takes to drive Africa forward
TSC and teachers' unions must find common ground
The Constitution is very clear on the matter of public participation and the need for parties to sit down at a round table to iron out whatever differences might affect their work.
By Editorial 7 months ago
TSC and teachers' unions must find common ground
Acquittal of persons accused of graft should spur search for justice
The DPP must see to it that all criminal cases are tried to their logical conclusion and account to the public.
By Editorial 7 months ago
Acquittal of persons accused of graft should spur search for justice
East Africa must pick lessons from Ivory Coast Afcon
The Local Organising Committee has shown that Africa can organise a successful event without the usual complains of stadium quality, poor training facilities or even chaotic transport system.
By Editorial 7 months ago
East Africa must pick lessons from Ivory Coast Afcon
End shameful fights over War Memorial Hospital
Clearly, the youths who invaded the hospital have nothing to do with the wrangles. They were most likely paid to cause chaos and ensure that services at the hospital do not resume.
By Editorial 7 months ago
End shameful fights over War Memorial Hospital
Let's prepare for a classic Safari Rally next month
The Safari Rally has been confirmed as the third round of the 2024 World Rally Championship (WRC) and reverts to its original traditional Easter holidays weekend date for the first time in 27 years.
By Editorial 7 months ago
Let's prepare for a classic Safari Rally next month
Actualise elusive dream to set up fertiliser plant
It is unacceptable that after 60 years after independence, Kenya still relies on expensive fertiliser imports and the generosity of foreigners to drive this important sector.
By Editorial 7 months ago
Actualise elusive dream to set up fertiliser plant
Don't inflict more pain on road users, Mr Murkomen
It is unconscionable for the government to mull such tax moves at a time when Kenyans, including the salaried ones and those in business can hardly make ends meet due to high taxation
By Editorial 7 months ago
Don't inflict more pain on road users, Mr Murkomen
Time to change mode of bursary disbursement
Time has come for the government to rectify this glaring anomaly by taking bursaries away from politicians and, preferably, placing them under the Ministry of Education.
By Editorial 7 months ago
Time to change mode of bursary disbursement
Kenya Airways needs to get it right this time
The National Treasury has disclosed that it has directed Kenya Airways to hire a consultant that will help the national flag carrier to onboard an equity investor.
By Editorial 7 months ago
Kenya Airways needs to get it right this time
Address farmers' woes before imposing new tax
Plans by the government to slap farmers with a five per cent withholding tax could be ill-advised coming at a time when the sector is reeling from a myriad of challenges.
By Editorial 8 months ago
Address farmers' woes before imposing new tax
Ruto lays his plan to broad-based Cabinet
By Irene Githinji
1 hr ago
Defiant Masengeli vows police will not be arm-twisted
By Fred Kagonye and Hudson Gumbihi
1 hr ago